Cheers for Fourth Circuit Chief Judge Roger Gregory

Carl Tobias

Roger Gregory, the distinguished Chief Judge who administered the United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit, recently finished his extremely successful legislatively-prescribed tenure. This storied appellate court presently includes Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, as well as West Virginia. Chief Judge Gregory definitely merits ample praise for effectively overseeing this important regional circuit, which essentially serves as the court of last resort for ninety-nine percent of appeals from the jurisdictions that comprise the appellate court, as the United States Supreme Court issues fewer than 100 published opinions each year. The states of the Fourth Circuit have varying population, size, demography, geography, history, plus salient legal and popular culture. Judge Gregory has robustly discharged responsibility for insuring that the court of appeals satisfies the tribunal’s core duty to expeditiously, inexpensively, and fairly resolve thousands of cases every year and that all circuit, district, magistrate, and bankruptcy judicial officials in the Fourth Circuit as well as the dedicated public servants who comprehensively and professionally support them are committed to fulfilling numbers of important responsibilities. This piece analyzes Chief Judge Gregory’s superb accomplishments throughout his exemplary chief judgeship.


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